Discussion Group
Here's how to participate in our discussion group!
The primary means of communications for the Native Plant Resource Teams are through our discussion group where members can chat with or meet like-minded people who live in their city (or nearby), or find people who are interested in specific topics, such as native plant propagation, HOA garden conversions, gardening for wildlife, and more.
We look forward to your involvement, and to supporting each other with questions, tips, ideas and community experience so that we can bring more native plants into our neighborhoods. Ultimately, we hope that the conversations in this discussion group lead to projects—at any scale, from converting diminutive parking strips to parks to wildlife-friendly native plant gardens—that will help bring nature home to the places we live in and love.
To access the discussion group you must first:
1) Complete the Native Plant Resource Team Membership Form HERE. (It's free to join!)
2) Receive and accept the email invitation to join our google group
Once those two steps are complete, you can participate in the group by either:
Sending / Receiving posts from the group using email - new posts will be emailed to you directly, and you can post your thoughts by emailing nprt-native-plan...@googlegroups.com
And/or viewing, posting, searching directly in our google group's page at:
Do I need to have a gmail account to use the google group and calendar?
You do not need to have a gmail account, but to utilize all our free membership-only features, you will need to register your non-google email with google (so you can still "login" using that email). Here's the easy steps to do that:
Enter your name, click Next
Enter your birthdate/gender (optional), click Next
When you get to the email step, click on the blue text that says "Use you existing email" and enter your non-gmail email address
Go through the process to confirm the email belongs to you as directed and set your password (you will need to remember it if/when you log in to use the google calendar or other google services)
Once you have completed these steps, you should be able to access everything with your membership!
How do I use the discussion group?
Your email has been added to the discussion group using Google Groups.
Begin to post the group by sending an email to this address: nprt-native-plan...@googlegroups.com
If it makes sense for your post, try to start your subject line with the CITY you are in or where your project will take place. Or, if the topic is not tied to a city, use the most relevant words first. This will make it easier for people to find topics and projects of interest.
To see the archive of all discussions from this group, go to https://groups.google.com/g/nprt-native-plant-resource-teams
This is an invitation-only list-serve where messages are visible only to members.
Members control the settings as to how their messages are received (digest, abridged or no email). To manage your settings go to https://groups.google.com/my-groups, find Native Plant Resource Teams (NPRT), go “Subscriptions” and then go to the drop-down choices under subscriptions. You can also use an icon on the same line to leave the group.
This group will be moderated. All emails to the group should be relevant to native plants, courteous, and help to build this community. No political posts, please.
Please trim your posts if you reply to the group to avoid redundant information.
Please keep the audience size in mind and try to avoid thank-you’s and casual chit-chat. If you want to discuss something with a smaller group, use private email instead.
How can I filter the conversations by team or subject?
At the top of the google groups page (https://groups.google.com/g/nprt-native-plant-resource-teams) you will see a search box - you can type the string you are interested in there.
Too many emails from us?
Google groups provides the following options for you to determine how many emails you receive from the group daily:
Each email—Messages are sent individually as they’re posted to the group (this is the default)
Digest—Up to 25 complete messages are combined into a single email, sent daily.
Abridged—Summaries of up to 150 messages are combined into a single email, sent daily.
No email—Messages from the group are not sent (but you can still go to the group and see the conversations).
For detailed instructions to change this setting for your account, please see HERE or here
Need more help?
If you need further assistance, email us at nprt-info-team AT googlegroups DOT com .